It all starts with a conversation

Our Fees

Comprehensive Financial Planning is how most clients start with us:

  • 6 month intensive process
  • $4000-$8000 fee upfront

Ongoing Financial Advice is how most clients continue:

  • Advice and Planning are included if we are managing your investments ($300,000 minimum)
  • OR ongoing planning fee of $3000-$5000/year

Fees may be adjusted depending on scope and complexity, and advisors involved.

Investment management fees average around 1% for the first $1 million we manage, with our total fee reducing as the asset amount invested grows. 

Preparing for the Journey

Comprehensive Financial Planning

We start with a human touch – taking our time, getting to know you and your hopes, dreams and goals. We work together to build a clear and simple model of your financial situation – that lets us consider the future clearly, and prioritize your many important goals. We typically spend 3-5 meetings together charting the course ahead, teaching and exploring financial topics, and fixing problems we identify.

As we learn more, we may need additional resources for parts of your plan – attorneys, accountants, student loan experts, mortgage and insurance brokers –  our services include coordinating with the other professionals that can provide their expertise for a comprehensive solution.


Ready to Go

Portfolio setup

With a deep understanding of your current situation, and having addressed any problems, we are ready to get your accounts set up and working for you. We will talk over your investing goals and concerns, and how we’ll respond to life events and market downturns.

Just like a any destination has different pathways leading to it, we have various investment choices we can follow, depending on your needs and desires. From socially responsible portfolios to income-oriented solutions, we can help you find the right approach that feels comfortable, practical and aligns with your values and objectives.

climbers on edge

The Trek Together

Staying on course

As your guide, our advisory team continues watching the various components of your financial plan, ensuring we stay on track toward your destination. Our planning system keeps your goals and plan up-to-date, making it easy to re-evaluate and respond to any necessary short-term change.

We know it is tough to weather bad news and rocky markets, and we are by your side for whatever life throws your way. Research shows that investor behavior is the single most important factor in long-term success and wealth building. We work together to manage tough decisions sensibly so that your long-term future is secure.

When everything is set up and working well, we typically meet about 2  times a year for any updates and portfolio reviews. 

We Also Offer:

Foundational Financial Planning

We also offer basic financial planning for families just starting out. This is a shorter process that covers the basics of family protection, and saving and investing for future goals in just a few meetings.

Advanced Financial Planning

Some of our clients have debt or cash flow challenges that require a longer planning process, and the fee is adjusted accordingly. Others have additional complexity with businesses, real estate or trust planning beyond the usual. We strive to offer a fair fee for our time and expertise.

Retirement Planning

If you are within about 5 years of retirement, it’s time to start taking a detailed look at your retirement income plan. In addition to a comprehensive financial review, we offer an income analysis using the Income for Life Model.